Sunday, November 25, 2007


Hollywood is the initial source of stereotypes. It is the mother of all things stereotypical. It is why all girls have to be skinny and perfect if they are going to be significant to anything. For example, in the casting ads, the girls for the "Girls Night Out" film are all young, thin and pretty and they get to party at exclusive clubs. The girl who is supposed to be "shunned at the velvet rope" is to be plain and possibly "chubby." This of course gives the image that only skinny, gorgeous girls with attitude get to get into clubs, party and have fun.
However, they also stereotype the girls in the club: caucasian girl is an attractive and innocent small-town girl looking for fame, African American girl has attitude and is attractive, Asian girl is stylish and "hipper-than-thou" with street smarts (stereotypical of Asians fashion and Asian gangs).
Thanks for the encouragement Hollywood...Not. If it's fake, chances are it was made in Hollywood.

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